C3 CryoSystem
Freeze pain with the C3 CryoSystem. Using cryotherapy (cryolesion) techniques, the inomed C3 CryoSystem allows the pain therapist to “put the pain on ice”. Effective treatment of pain has been the goal for clinicians and pain treatment experts throughout human history. Both acute and chronic pains represent a huge challenge for patients, as well as their clinicians, and diminishes the patient’s quality of life. The pain-relieving effect of cold has been known since ancient times. By building on the past and using the latest advances in cryotechnology and pain relief, patients and clinicians are now choosing the state-of-the-art inomed C3 CryoSystem for cryotherapy and pain treatment.
Treatment-resistant, chronic pain in the spinal column region is one of the main indications of cryotherapy and thus the main area of application for the inomed C3 CryoSystem. When medicated pain or injection treatments for chronic back pain do not bring relief, neurodestructive procedures such as cryotherapy and thermolesion can be the solution. Using the inomed C3 CryoSystem and disrupting the conduction pathways of pain with cryotherapy, effective pain relief can be delivered to the patient. The precision cryoprobes from inomed allow for a targeted application of the cooling effect on the affected peripheral nerve.
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